Frequently Asked Questions

Whether you have an injury or some other condition, we will discuss costs with you and do our best to estimate the number of treatment sessions you may need.


What do I bring to my first appointment?

Just yourself, and if you have them, any X-Rays or scans that are relevant. Ask us if in doubt.

What do I wear?

Wear loose, comfortable clothing if it’s easy. You could bring some shorts or track pants if you wish, otherwise we have some shorts you can wear.

What might I expect at my first appointment?

We’ll ask you questions and examine you to work out what is wrong. Treatment usually begins right away. We tailor the treatment to your specific condition or injury so may use several techniques during the session. We will also give you information and exercises that will help you heal faster and correct any imbalances. Occasionally we may ask that you have an X-ray or scan or visit a specialist.

I feel a bit embarrassed about seeing a physio …

We understand that not everyone feels comfortable receiving treatment so please discuss any concerns you have. We are very respectful and caring and do our very best to put you at your ease.

Where are you located?

We have treatment rooms inside Active + Physiotherapy Mt Eden in Auckland. The building is easily located on the corner of Mt Eden and Normanby Roads (opposite the playground).

Is there parking?

There are free parking spaces right outside the clinic on any Active + Physiotherapy labelled carparks. There are mobility parking spaces close to the entrance.

Call Stewart Joe at PhysioPro
on 021 2566 664